Sunday, December 21, 2014

Anonymous Hackers Threaten to Release Iggy Azalea Sex Tape!

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It's sad that hacking is becoming so commonplace these days. The SONY breach is still in the news, and now some anonymous hackers have begun threatening rapper Iggy Azalea that they would release her sex tape. These are the same hackers who had leaked private information during the Darren Wilson case and also hacked the official Twitter account of the KKK so their claims are not so far-fetched.

The Anonymous threat is a fall out from the social media fight between Iggy Azalea and Azealia Banks who had accused Iggy Azalea of not caring about ‘black issues’, and also not being deserving of a Grammy. Iggy responded calling Azealia Banks a Bigot [read here], who also retaliated as the online feud continued.